Goblinko DIE WÜRST #3: Dungeon Degenerates Zine
Die Würst is the official Dungeon Degenerates zine
Die Würst is also the first magazine Sean Äaberg has made since his stroke in late 2018 & the first magazine he has done since PORK magazine ended in the Spring of that year.
Die Würst #3 contains features on Christian Death, Hayao Miyazaki, All about Scratch, Dungeon Degenerates as an RPG continued, Dungeon Breakout variant Die Fleischwolf a feature on artist Mustafa Bekir, features on the the Pickle Imp & the Grummeln (crab soldiers) & more!
Comes with the exclusive Pickle Imp card for use with Dungeon Degenerates.
All seven issues of Die Würst are also available in a bundle, here!
Published by Goblinko
USA Import
Staple-stitch bound
32 b/w pages
A5 zine format
Die Würst is the official Dungeon Degenerates zine
Die Würst is also the first magazine Sean Äaberg has made since his stroke in late 2018 & the first magazine he has done since PORK magazine ended in the Spring of that year.
Die Würst #3 contains features on Christian Death, Hayao Miyazaki, All about Scratch, Dungeon Degenerates as an RPG continued, Dungeon Breakout variant Die Fleischwolf a feature on artist Mustafa Bekir, features on the the Pickle Imp & the Grummeln (crab soldiers) & more!
Comes with the exclusive Pickle Imp card for use with Dungeon Degenerates.
All seven issues of Die Würst are also available in a bundle, here!
Published by Goblinko
USA Import
Staple-stitch bound
32 b/w pages
A5 zine format
Die Würst is the official Dungeon Degenerates zine
Die Würst is also the first magazine Sean Äaberg has made since his stroke in late 2018 & the first magazine he has done since PORK magazine ended in the Spring of that year.
Die Würst #3 contains features on Christian Death, Hayao Miyazaki, All about Scratch, Dungeon Degenerates as an RPG continued, Dungeon Breakout variant Die Fleischwolf a feature on artist Mustafa Bekir, features on the the Pickle Imp & the Grummeln (crab soldiers) & more!
Comes with the exclusive Pickle Imp card for use with Dungeon Degenerates.
All seven issues of Die Würst are also available in a bundle, here!
Published by Goblinko
USA Import
Staple-stitch bound
32 b/w pages
A5 zine format