Locke & Blandy OUT OF NOTHING
Spanning millennia, Daniel Locke and David Blandy’s ambitious graphic novel explores humanity’s inherent ‘dreaming mind’ and its impact on our world.
Surreal sequences take us from Gutenberg’s printing press to Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web, via Picasso, Einstein, DJ Kool Herc and more. Locke and Blandy show how our basic instinct to observe, record, and connect has formed the basis for all human invention and progress.
Published by Nobrow Press
UK Import
248 color pages
18 × 25 cxm
Spanning millennia, Daniel Locke and David Blandy’s ambitious graphic novel explores humanity’s inherent ‘dreaming mind’ and its impact on our world.
Surreal sequences take us from Gutenberg’s printing press to Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web, via Picasso, Einstein, DJ Kool Herc and more. Locke and Blandy show how our basic instinct to observe, record, and connect has formed the basis for all human invention and progress.
Published by Nobrow Press
UK Import
248 color pages
18 × 25 cxm
Spanning millennia, Daniel Locke and David Blandy’s ambitious graphic novel explores humanity’s inherent ‘dreaming mind’ and its impact on our world.
Surreal sequences take us from Gutenberg’s printing press to Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web, via Picasso, Einstein, DJ Kool Herc and more. Locke and Blandy show how our basic instinct to observe, record, and connect has formed the basis for all human invention and progress.
Published by Nobrow Press
UK Import
248 color pages
18 × 25 cxm