The first supplement for The World After. A compendium of new tools and ideas for Mentors, with seven new societies to play as while you traverse the Intersection.
Centre around the coastal forest of Harle’s Den, these visions of future worlds were created with Capital City Academy London and Roundwood Youth Centre for Brent 2020.
36 pages Riso print, black and white with a colour cover and colour map spread.
The first supplement for The World After. A compendium of new tools and ideas for Mentors, with seven new societies to play as while you traverse the Intersection.
Centre around the coastal forest of Harle’s Den, these visions of future worlds were created with Capital City Academy London and Roundwood Youth Centre for Brent 2020.
36 pages Riso print, black and white with a colour cover and colour map spread.
The first supplement for The World After. A compendium of new tools and ideas for Mentors, with seven new societies to play as while you traverse the Intersection.
Centre around the coastal forest of Harle’s Den, these visions of future worlds were created with Capital City Academy London and Roundwood Youth Centre for Brent 2020.
36 pages Riso print, black and white with a colour cover and colour map spread.