Repulsive Attraction could be catagorized as a socio- and eco-critical collection of short stories. A less pretentious tag could be something like a weird trip into the toxic machinery of a disturbing parallel universe.
Repulsive Attraction is a bastard of dystopian pantomime tales about the greedy mutants of capitalism, absurd and repulsive visions of the doomsday future, and the imminent collapse of society. No text, no speech balloons – only radioactive, psychedelic colors.
The release is a cornucopia showcasing Patrick Steptoes quirky and surreal micro-cosmos and distinct style, characterized by a meticulous, underlying eye for detail.
In other words – you are in for a treat: Urine monsters, drug pooping monkeys and suicide cults – all the normal and simple stuff you would expect from any decent comic.
Published by Baggaards Baroner
Denmark Import
82 full-color pages
Repulsive Attraction could be catagorized as a socio- and eco-critical collection of short stories. A less pretentious tag could be something like a weird trip into the toxic machinery of a disturbing parallel universe.
Repulsive Attraction is a bastard of dystopian pantomime tales about the greedy mutants of capitalism, absurd and repulsive visions of the doomsday future, and the imminent collapse of society. No text, no speech balloons – only radioactive, psychedelic colors.
The release is a cornucopia showcasing Patrick Steptoes quirky and surreal micro-cosmos and distinct style, characterized by a meticulous, underlying eye for detail.
In other words – you are in for a treat: Urine monsters, drug pooping monkeys and suicide cults – all the normal and simple stuff you would expect from any decent comic.
Published by Baggaards Baroner
Denmark Import
82 full-color pages
Repulsive Attraction could be catagorized as a socio- and eco-critical collection of short stories. A less pretentious tag could be something like a weird trip into the toxic machinery of a disturbing parallel universe.
Repulsive Attraction is a bastard of dystopian pantomime tales about the greedy mutants of capitalism, absurd and repulsive visions of the doomsday future, and the imminent collapse of society. No text, no speech balloons – only radioactive, psychedelic colors.
The release is a cornucopia showcasing Patrick Steptoes quirky and surreal micro-cosmos and distinct style, characterized by a meticulous, underlying eye for detail.
In other words – you are in for a treat: Urine monsters, drug pooping monkeys and suicide cults – all the normal and simple stuff you would expect from any decent comic.
Published by Baggaards Baroner
Denmark Import
82 full-color pages