Gilgareth EINE REISE BEGINNT: LURE164 Cass (incl. Download)


So excited for this! Das Schwarze Auge (Germany’s first and most un/popular Fantasy RPG) inspired Dungeon Synth!!!

In the shadows of the walls of the Imperial City of Gareth (»Imperial City of Gareth«), where stories live in the streets, a band of brave companions forged their plans for an epic quest. With the break of dawn, they embarked, and the majestic silhouette of the Imperial City of Gareth faded on the horizon.

They travelled through the heart of the Middenrealm (»Through The Middenrealm«), treading the trails of legends, whose stories were only whispered by the trees of the land. Under star-studded skies, they found their nightly rest (»The Night Camp«), where in the silence of the camps, tales of bygone times were told, and dreams were woven by those who had once journeyed through the realms as they did. The fellows’ journey led them to an old monastery, its walls entwined with green vines, and in its depths, a band of robbers had established their dark nest (»A Robber’s Nest In The Old Monastery«). A fierce battle unfolded as our heroes fought their way through the shadowy walls, testing their abilities for the first time. But the victory over the robbers brought no relief, something darker lay over these lands: Something evil that had stretched out its dark fingers and corrupted the old monastery as well.

The true evil only revealed itself when our fellowship encountered the Black Citadel (»The Black Citadel«), which had hidden itself in the shadows of history…

1. Imperial City of Gareth
2. Through the Middenrealm
3. The Night Camp
4. A Robber's Nest In The Old Monastery
5. The Black Citadel
6. Through the Forest of Pictures
7. Balsamsalabunde – heal every wound! 

  • Accompany the adventurers on their journey / listen online here!

Pro-cassette release on Phantom Lure

Belgium Import

Includes download code

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So excited for this! Das Schwarze Auge (Germany’s first and most un/popular Fantasy RPG) inspired Dungeon Synth!!!

In the shadows of the walls of the Imperial City of Gareth (»Imperial City of Gareth«), where stories live in the streets, a band of brave companions forged their plans for an epic quest. With the break of dawn, they embarked, and the majestic silhouette of the Imperial City of Gareth faded on the horizon.

They travelled through the heart of the Middenrealm (»Through The Middenrealm«), treading the trails of legends, whose stories were only whispered by the trees of the land. Under star-studded skies, they found their nightly rest (»The Night Camp«), where in the silence of the camps, tales of bygone times were told, and dreams were woven by those who had once journeyed through the realms as they did. The fellows’ journey led them to an old monastery, its walls entwined with green vines, and in its depths, a band of robbers had established their dark nest (»A Robber’s Nest In The Old Monastery«). A fierce battle unfolded as our heroes fought their way through the shadowy walls, testing their abilities for the first time. But the victory over the robbers brought no relief, something darker lay over these lands: Something evil that had stretched out its dark fingers and corrupted the old monastery as well.

The true evil only revealed itself when our fellowship encountered the Black Citadel (»The Black Citadel«), which had hidden itself in the shadows of history…

1. Imperial City of Gareth
2. Through the Middenrealm
3. The Night Camp
4. A Robber's Nest In The Old Monastery
5. The Black Citadel
6. Through the Forest of Pictures
7. Balsamsalabunde – heal every wound! 

  • Accompany the adventurers on their journey / listen online here!

Pro-cassette release on Phantom Lure

Belgium Import

Includes download code

So excited for this! Das Schwarze Auge (Germany’s first and most un/popular Fantasy RPG) inspired Dungeon Synth!!!

In the shadows of the walls of the Imperial City of Gareth (»Imperial City of Gareth«), where stories live in the streets, a band of brave companions forged their plans for an epic quest. With the break of dawn, they embarked, and the majestic silhouette of the Imperial City of Gareth faded on the horizon.

They travelled through the heart of the Middenrealm (»Through The Middenrealm«), treading the trails of legends, whose stories were only whispered by the trees of the land. Under star-studded skies, they found their nightly rest (»The Night Camp«), where in the silence of the camps, tales of bygone times were told, and dreams were woven by those who had once journeyed through the realms as they did. The fellows’ journey led them to an old monastery, its walls entwined with green vines, and in its depths, a band of robbers had established their dark nest (»A Robber’s Nest In The Old Monastery«). A fierce battle unfolded as our heroes fought their way through the shadowy walls, testing their abilities for the first time. But the victory over the robbers brought no relief, something darker lay over these lands: Something evil that had stretched out its dark fingers and corrupted the old monastery as well.

The true evil only revealed itself when our fellowship encountered the Black Citadel (»The Black Citadel«), which had hidden itself in the shadows of history…

1. Imperial City of Gareth
2. Through the Middenrealm
3. The Night Camp
4. A Robber's Nest In The Old Monastery
5. The Black Citadel
6. Through the Forest of Pictures
7. Balsamsalabunde – heal every wound! 

  • Accompany the adventurers on their journey / listen online here!

Pro-cassette release on Phantom Lure

Belgium Import

Includes download code