Christian Eichhorn GALGENBECK:SACRIFICE: 3rd party Mörk Borg Campaign (incl. Pdf)
A mini-campaign for Mörk Borg RPG set in Galgenbeck
The sun vanished behind a black disk months or years ago—who could tell. Now, a comet plows across the sky, leaving behind a trail of bloody pieces. The Galgenbecker people are confused, incited, whipped into a frenzy. So many innocent dangle from the trees. The stank lures in the ravens and worse. Half of Galgenbeck's population is gone. Most have fallen to Josilfa's scythe. The city seems eerily empty, but nobody notices the citizens' absence. Galgenbeck was always half empty. All is as it should be.
Galgenbeck: Sacrifice - a multi-session adventure about ritualistic, human sacrifice. To stave off destruction and appease Nechrubel, who rides a comet across the sky, Josilfa beheads the unwanted. Since the sacrifices not only vanish from the world but also from the memories of those who are left behind, the characters may forget about their mission and themselves.
The adventure additionally includes:
A minimalist map of Galgenbeck showing places of import and city districts, including an outline of these new locations.
Odds and ends like an overview of important NPCs, rumors, and Galgenbeck dialect.
A few quest seeds on notice boards!
100 disturbing encounters in Galgenbeck and 12 heretics to hunt.
Published by Christian Eichhorn
A5 hardcover book
48 color pages
Pdf-download included
Galgenbeck:Sacrifice is an independent production by Christian Eichhorn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
A mini-campaign for Mörk Borg RPG set in Galgenbeck
The sun vanished behind a black disk months or years ago—who could tell. Now, a comet plows across the sky, leaving behind a trail of bloody pieces. The Galgenbecker people are confused, incited, whipped into a frenzy. So many innocent dangle from the trees. The stank lures in the ravens and worse. Half of Galgenbeck's population is gone. Most have fallen to Josilfa's scythe. The city seems eerily empty, but nobody notices the citizens' absence. Galgenbeck was always half empty. All is as it should be.
Galgenbeck: Sacrifice - a multi-session adventure about ritualistic, human sacrifice. To stave off destruction and appease Nechrubel, who rides a comet across the sky, Josilfa beheads the unwanted. Since the sacrifices not only vanish from the world but also from the memories of those who are left behind, the characters may forget about their mission and themselves.
The adventure additionally includes:
A minimalist map of Galgenbeck showing places of import and city districts, including an outline of these new locations.
Odds and ends like an overview of important NPCs, rumors, and Galgenbeck dialect.
A few quest seeds on notice boards!
100 disturbing encounters in Galgenbeck and 12 heretics to hunt.
Published by Christian Eichhorn
A5 hardcover book
48 color pages
Pdf-download included
Galgenbeck:Sacrifice is an independent production by Christian Eichhorn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
A mini-campaign for Mörk Borg RPG set in Galgenbeck
The sun vanished behind a black disk months or years ago—who could tell. Now, a comet plows across the sky, leaving behind a trail of bloody pieces. The Galgenbecker people are confused, incited, whipped into a frenzy. So many innocent dangle from the trees. The stank lures in the ravens and worse. Half of Galgenbeck's population is gone. Most have fallen to Josilfa's scythe. The city seems eerily empty, but nobody notices the citizens' absence. Galgenbeck was always half empty. All is as it should be.
Galgenbeck: Sacrifice - a multi-session adventure about ritualistic, human sacrifice. To stave off destruction and appease Nechrubel, who rides a comet across the sky, Josilfa beheads the unwanted. Since the sacrifices not only vanish from the world but also from the memories of those who are left behind, the characters may forget about their mission and themselves.
The adventure additionally includes:
A minimalist map of Galgenbeck showing places of import and city districts, including an outline of these new locations.
Odds and ends like an overview of important NPCs, rumors, and Galgenbeck dialect.
A few quest seeds on notice boards!
100 disturbing encounters in Galgenbeck and 12 heretics to hunt.
Published by Christian Eichhorn
A5 hardcover book
48 color pages
Pdf-download included
Galgenbeck:Sacrifice is an independent production by Christian Eichhorn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.