
A hilarious slice of twentysomething life in the twenty-first century

Welcome to the Girl Juice House, home of the hottest gang in town. Benji Nate’s stylish and rambunctious sense of humor lovingly takes digs at the young and tragically hip–reserved and introspective Nana, comically hypersexual Bunny, fledgling U-tuber Tula, and Designated Mom™ Sadie–as they navigate life, love, and the pursuit of a good time. 

Girl Juice flaunts the gloriously messy and hilariously self-indulgent day-to-day hijinks of four young women doing the most. Watch them bicker over making rent and come up with creative solutions for getting there! Cringe as they attend an adult prom! Split your sides as they try their hand at camping! Cower as they confront their mommy issues, and cheer as they battle inner demons that feed off attention-seeking behavior! 

Nate’s colorful attention to detail and gift balancing for graphic hyperbole with subtle comedy are a deep, much-needed breath of fresh air. With front-facing cameras ever at the ready, Girl Juice is a snappy reminder that the time of your life is always just a text away.  

Published by Drawn & Quarterly, 2023

Canada Import


176 full color pages

5.9“ x 8.3“

  • "Tallulah, Sadie, Nana and Bunny live together in the chaotic, colorful, maybe-haunted Girl Juice House, where they learn that “U don’t have to seek approval from ur roomies to make big silly life decisions” — but sometimes you do." - New York Times

  • “Not just, ‘hot and simple,’ Girl Juice tells the story of being young, disillusioned, and horny. A fun read especially if you’re in the mood to ‘feel alive and cry a lil.’  Also, a heartfelt thank you to Benji Nate for introducing the acronym DMILF to my vocabulary.” - Aminder Dhaliwal, author of Woman World and Cyclopedia Exotica

  • “Benji Nate’s slice-of-life-but-funnier-and-grosser-than-usual Girl Juice illustrates the beautiful camaraderie that can only be built by being in close proximity, annoying, and horny to one another on a long-term basis. Frankly, I’d be scared to encounter any of these characters at a party, knowing what I now know about their sexual secrets.” - Rebecca Kirby, creator of BEEEEFF!! and BIG MILK 

  • Girl Juice is the funniest comic I’ve read in ages. It takes me back to being 20, surrounded by roommates whose dildos are in the kitchen sink and whose dogs are the ones paying their rent. You can tell that this book is not only about girls, but is written for them. I wish more comics were like it.” - Caroline Cash, cartoonist of PeePeePooPoo

  • "Benji Nate’s frothy Girl Juice surprised me into genuine laughter within the first four pages... [It] offers a glimpse into the worlds that girls create for themselves, in all their heartfelt absurdities." - Washington Post

  • "Benji’s fans will flip for this extra sexed-up compilation of her idiosyncratic wit." - Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

  • "Goodness! Nate is moving up in the world." - The Comics Journal

  • "With Nate's finger on the pulse of modern, social technology-driven culture, the girls are all relatable, or at the very least we know someone just like them, or perhaps we aspire to be one or more of them." - BlogCritics

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